pbx in a flash google voice not answering

pbx in a flash google voice not answering
Google Voice can't reach SIPGate DID | PBX in a Flash Forum.
Nerd Vittles » The Incredible PBX: Adding Multiple Google Voice.
Aug 29, 2010. On an incoming Google Voice call, FreeSWITCH would receive it and ... However, the pbx is not answering as seen in the contents of this post.
Mar 16, 2012. It's simply not a priority for them which, of course, is their prerogative.. term answer for anyone that depends upon Google Voice to perform tasks (such. If you're currently using PBX in a Flash 2 for your Google Voice needs.
I am (very) new to FreePBX, not so new with the technology in general. I read an article in MaximumPC about setting up GoogleVoice with PBX in a Flash. So far I have everything. exten => s,n(regcall),Answer exten => s,n.
Sep 13, 2011. Just discovered a bug in the FreePBX module for Google Voice.. Kept getting errors in the log about JABBER encryption not working, letting me think. I pick up, the phone (on Asterisk) thinks the call is answered, but my cell.
Jul 23, 2009. Last but not least, I was made aware of this script by kmem in the. usr/bin/env python # google-voice-dialout.agi # Paul Marks. Asterisk can then answer # the incoming call, and Bridge() it into your original outgoing call.
It's Soup: Incredible PBX 2 | Page 3 | PBX in a Flash Forum.
Aug 23, 2011. Is anyone else having issues with multiple Google voice accounts that. but the google voicemail picks up and the call can not be answered.
Aug 29, 2010. On an incoming Google Voice call, FreeSWITCH would receive it and ... However, the pbx is not answering as seen in the contents of this post.
pbx in a flash google voice not answering
Google voice going to IVR | PBX in a Flash Forum.Nerd Vittles » VoIP on Steroids: Introducing Incredible PBX 3.7 for.
Jul 8, 2011. Toggle Google Voice auto answer Everything PiaF and Google is. If I step away carrying only my cell, I get 1 ring but can not answer the call.
Suddenly today, google voice outbound stopped working.. It sounds like the google voice voice not coming from the asterisk box.. VERBOSE[11823] app_dial.c: -- Gtalk/+1XXXXXXXXXX@voice.google.com-ef62 answered.

The basic idea was that you would send a command to Google Voice using an. (obviously not the actual number) and then when I answered it extended the.
FreePBX 2.9 Gotchas/Answers | PBX in a Flash Forum.
Jul 8, 2011. Toggle Google Voice auto answer Everything PiaF and Google is. If I step away carrying only my cell, I get 1 ring but can not answer the call.
Nerd Vittles » It's PBX in a Flash The Lean, Mean Asterisk.
Google Voice not working | PBX in a Flash Forum.