vaguebook status updates

vaguebook status updates
OK so here I am. | Facebook.
Stay Positive – A Reminder! | Jenny on a Plate.
These are usually funny but irrelevant pictures or short, vague status updates no really one. Example: Vaguebook status post: "In Chicago for a family thing.
Vaguebook. noun: An intentionally vague or one-worded status update, alluding to something else. This could be an inside joke, or anything meant for only a.
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someone who intentionally throws up a vague Facebook status update, that prompts friends to ask what's going on, or is possibly a cry for help..don't be one .
Feb 13, 2013. Do you "vague-book" (post intentionally vague status updates so people will comment and ask for more information)? Each of us has a distinct.
Infographic: What's your social media personality? | Articles | Main.
Twitter / MikeVazMV: @ezerd Vaguebook Man. He annoys.
Yet another case of VagueBook: "LOUISE JOHNSON is very upset.
someone who intentionally throws up a vague Facebook status update, that prompts friends to ask what's going on, or is possibly a cry for help...
Aug 3, 2011. status update so that it prompts friends to ask what's going on. I think it's childish and it riles me up when I see someone else's 'Vaguebook'.
Dec 21, 2011. When anyone posts a vague status she comments with something equally vague. For instance if they post. Vaguebook tripper: "Really wish I could spend Christmas with certain people." Me: "Please don't .. Twitter Updates.
May 20, 2013. Ok vague book post update: it was her freaking dog. after posting something. A status update on staring out over the Carribean sea.
I'm thinking about my first ever Vaguebook status update.
Urban Dictionary: vague-post. My failed attempt at responding to vaguebooking.
someone who intentionally throws up a vague Facebook status update, that prompts friends to ask what's going on, or is possibly a cry for help...
Aug 3, 2011. status update so that it prompts friends to ask what's going on. I think it's childish and it riles me up when I see someone else's 'Vaguebook'.
Dec 21, 2011. When anyone posts a vague status she comments with something equally vague. For instance if they post. Vaguebook tripper: "Really wish I could spend Christmas with certain people." Me: "Please don't .. Twitter Updates.